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My lovely navi

I'm Vwangwang,a fat, ugly & tanned girl
Loves eat, drink, shisha & club

Bold Italic Undeline
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Sexy Body Figure
Successful Career
Happily Ever After

Any1 wanna talk to me???

Sweet Memories

October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
December 2011
January 2012
April 2012
July 2012
March 2013

Designer: Jacque
Basecode: Zoey | Nicole
Images: Cyworld
Host: Blogger
Scripts : Dynamic Drive

Wat station r u???
Monday, November 30, 2009 | at | 0 Comments | Reader (s)

This is few weeks ago pic....
We took monorail at sg wang....

I can reach tun sambathan station....

eva just ngam ngam reach maharajalela station only!!!

NDS lite
Friday, November 27, 2009 | at | 0 Comments | Reader (s)

On tuesday eva,me,my sis n the anonymous went to ioi mall....
And i finally bought NDS lite!!!!
Wooooo Hooooo.....
Actually NDS i more fun de!!!
Gt camera....
can snap photo!!!
But rm8xx...
Too expensive la....
So i decided bought nds lite!!!


I love pink.....^^

Wednesday, November 25, 2009 | at | 0 Comments | Reader (s)


Nice weather
Monday, November 23, 2009 | at | 0 Comments | Reader (s)

Yesterday weather not bad....
I love the weather...
Feel so comfortable...
I cant imagine why u can talk the junk with me
U change a lot....
I was so shocked u asked me tat question...
Yam gong lo.....
Im waiting my november salary,
Im going to buy NDS lite!!!!
Bt im interest to NDS i!!!
BCz ndsi gt camera de!!!
sure more fun!!!
Bt tat more expensive...
Any suggestion???
Which colour is better???

Friday, November 20, 2009 | at | 0 Comments | Reader (s)

Yesterday chill with lim pek at asia one...
I dunno y tat time i so emo...
I also wondering why...
Lim pek is right
he said dulu u pun tak macam ni...
kenapa i sekarang so emo dy
Myself also dunno
Its almost 1 year dy...
Chun leng say i forward 50%
But nt longer i backward 100%
maybe betul....
I really miss b4 NS life lo...
Tat time me,carmen,jovi,guan,eva n chun leng
We all always go hang out
I really totally can LOL!!!
Yes carmen....
I do miss the last time
Can any1 tell me wat happened??
Y last time i can LOL, can ignore him
Bt nw cannot......
Who can solve my problem???

Tuesday, November 17, 2009 | at | 0 Comments | Reader (s)

Last Saturday me eva n chun leng went to mv for buy the 2012 tickets
unfortunately tickets totally sold out....
Then we head to ioi also full....
then we went to bkt jalil there chill....
When we wan to go bck to eva house....
eva shout: hey..u see!!!gt cow!!!!

N eva keep say yor...this cow so pity...
so skinny....
n u look...
it so hungry...
keep eat grass...
u see it thin till can see the rib....
Eva damn excited saw the cow...
actually it is ur "ngau long"
bt really quite weird saw the cow in city....
then we head to eva house...
actually we plan gamble...
bt eva poker card lost 1 pc...
then nvm lo...
we head to chun leng house...
chun leng lagi teruk!!!
tak tau poker di mana...
then me n eva back on 3am...
n my house went out electric for few hours dy....
i thought my dad wont cucuk me cz he cant see the clock due dark...
bt my father can see wats the time....
n cucuk me....
then sunday...
my sis overseas
then my 3rd sis n i nid jaga anak for a week!!!
then sunday we went to secret recipes having our lunch...
then my sis bring them to parkson bought them cheap toys...

kids so easy to be happy....
they totally no nid annoying for some thing...
envy them la i...
guess wat??
my niece jz 4 years old at french...
she told my sis...
mummy i so fan la....
my sis so shock she can say she is fan...
jz 4 years old...
bcz she break up v her boy boy...
her boy boy dun wan play v her...
u knw why they break up??
bcz the boy boy wan kiss my niece...
tats y she so fan...

This why cause me 60KG!!!!
Saturday, November 14, 2009 | at | 0 Comments | Reader (s)

B4 NS is 54*kg
After ns 57kg....
N after hk trip....
i 60kg la!!!!
This is my top record ever!!!!!
I wan lost weight!!!

Slap myself!!!!
Friday, November 13, 2009 | at | 0 Comments | Reader (s)

Im going to cucuk myself 99!!!
I dulan myself!!!!
I really wan bang the great wall in china lo!!!
Wat eva said is right!!!
She said my mind knw wat should i do,
but my heart still mind....
even i told myself shouldnt do tat
bt i dunno why i go do it...
i dunno how to explain...
i think eva will comprehend my feeling...
Wish fast fast pass this year la...
Fast fast start my college lo!!!
This year i really damn bad luck ever!!!
I meet a SH girl...
Which her name quite similar with my nemo fish
Tat SH girl really SH i ever meet in my 18 years!!!
She really SH lo!!!
I think my closer friends will knw wat she did to me...
Why tat time i wont scold her ar??
She really BRAINLESS....
Tat time she drive myvi to fetch me...
She said did u sat my myvi b4??
tat myvi is nt ur wan de la!!
is ur cousin de la!!!
my house gt benz n harrier....
myvi so???
Is it brainless question??
And she bring me to some place i really dun wan go!!!
she force me go!!!
she force me to show the road!!!
i really angry!!!
n she so 'good'
She make me cry in the first day of CNY....
SH anot??
Then 2nd wan...
also girl....
This terus short cut la...
Tat girl every 1 also knw who r she.....
She o...
really SH also....
i dunno wat her mind thinking....
She is weird...
MAybe her family problem cause her like this??
She going to add oil on fire, somemore add vinegar n salt to my friends regard my stuff
She betray me....
I treat she like a friend...
WTF la!!!
I think this is the last i meet the worst friend in this this year gua...
is a he!!
He is my ex....
He really childish....
his mind really make me speechless....
But he really treat me good...
i can everyday angry him...
even beat him...
bite him....
i dunno y tat time i like tat...
n i love to
squeeze his nipple....
everytime he make me angry or not happy
His nipple sure very yam gong!!!!
pity him la....
his nipple also 'black green'
some more bcum nt balance....
how evil tat time i was...
even i angry him
scold him
bite him
beat him
he also wont angry
Still will pamper me...
But he o....
had drug b4...
i had meet 2 ppl who had drug b4 in a year...
bt nw i think he din take anymore gua...
I really treat him bad....
Little little thingy i can angry him whole day
how sohem am i....
at least he treat me well la...
better than even i nvr angry him...
bt he wont treat me well plus is he angry me pulak.....

P/S: chun leng ar!!!!!I wan format my cp la!!!buwuwuwuwuwu.....

Thursday, November 12, 2009 | at | 0 Comments | Reader (s)

I'm wondering why girls always will cry bcz of love??
Which means why girls always get hurt from their beloved??
then why boys nvr get hurt....
or tat act like nt hurt??
bt they really hurt n sad??
i view some girls blog...
why they will moody bcz of their ex??
i means aldy break up
y need so care he??
he also dun care of u anymore,
he is ur ex...
n u is his ex...
should girls deserve this???
i knw girl need a long-term-bf
but its nt tat easy....
i knw u n i also wan a 24 hours bf
but i can be ur 24 hours bestfriend not boyfriend...
i seldom see boy will get hurt...
maybe girl place love no1 in their heart
but boy nt??
so this is wat the different for boy n girl???
chun leng....
u better help me fix my petpet cp ar!!!!
i dun wan always update my blog in office la!!!

spread out my angriness
Wednesday, November 4, 2009 | at | 1 Comments | Reader (s)

Im going to talk something rubbish at here!
I beh song those ppl who use dog's eyes look down at ppl!
When im in promary,
my sku gt a bitch teacher,
Her sight only gt rich student n smart student.
She look down on stupid n poor student,
Including me!
Im nt rich n stupid,
I rmb in standard 6
We have extra tuition at sku,
Then i baru move in new house at oug,
Which currently i staying,
Then tat time i was late to tat bitch tuition class,
Then she ask me,
Why am i late,
I said its traffic jam,
She ask where i live,
I said oug,
Guess apa LJ she said?
She say i live in puchong,
More far than u!
Mother fucker!
She actually live oug too la!
then nvm,
the year end we have graduated trips,
She said who late the bus wont wait for u,
Guess wat?
she is the one who late n all student n teacher wait for her!
How bitch is this teacher isnt it?
Then i lost the choosen secondary sku form
I ask her for one copy
she dun wan gv me!
How bitch are she!!!!!
Even i ask my sis to see her
She also dun wan gv me the form!
now i really damn angry,
wat kind of this teacher o!
N last sunday i saw her at car4
I should shot her at tat moment!
Should said y u live at puchong come sri petaling car4?
puchong gt tesco n giant lo!!!

Then secondary!!!
Not teacher look down at me,
Is classmate!!!
Form 3,
I rmb i in msn pm i write i wan go paris,
the other days,
Mr alvin n his gang laugh on me!
In one day,
If i really going to paris,
I will LC back u!
Dont worry!
I sure will going to paris bcz i gt sis at there!
Then in high sku,
Which means form 4 5,
My classmates laugh my parents name!!!
Nw i flashback,
Y i wont scold bck them ar?
They nvr respect me!
Did ur parents buy a phone which market price 1.3k for u?
Did ur parents pay ur collefe fee?
Or u take loan!?
Sorry lo!
Even my parents name are fuuny,
Bt my parents paid me for college fees nt loan,
N buy me e71 n laptop,
N also hong kong trip
So do u have huh?
did ur parents pay u for foreign trip huh?
Did u bitchy?
Laught me till so high la!
Now is my time to revenge
I dun wan resist any from all ur laugh at me,
I knw i soh ar soh ar!
It doesnt means i wont angry ok?
i rmb prom night,
Some1 told the friend is i invite him as partner!!!
Dun be so sohai!
Is u ask me to b ur partner la!!!
I said if u bring me to prom then ok!
But someone told me u told ur friend is me ask u to b my partner!
U thought u r the one who onlt gt benz???
Sorry ar!
my house also gt la!
Mine obviously better than ur lousy old benz!
Mine is e class n latest on tat year!
N also white colour!
Ah pek using de la!
Keep skin la!
I knw maybe some read this post will say i lc or wat!
Just to sohai who laugh on me
But dunno my real background,
sometime im jz keep quiet,
But maybe mine is better than urs!