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The Road Not Taken
Saturday, March 13, 2010 | at | 0 Comments | Reader (s)

i ada problem again,
This time is family and $$ problem.
Honestly, my parents they had 60+ years old,
and the income depend on the rent.
My dad told my bro-in-law tat i bad,
he say i just know always ask $$ from him,
and say my bad tat i dun wan help him buy lunch when he feeling nt well ,
i admit is my bad,
bcz i lazy,
i wearing my pyjamas,
plus is fucking hot weather,
the car my 3rd sis drive to work dy!!!
so maksud i nid jalan kaki go buy lunch,
thn my dad scold me...
2nd sis at house too la...
y cant ask she buy?
she had 2 huge car at here,
she also ur daughter,
Im so fking angry bcz is my sis scold me tat i always ask $$ from dad and tak nak buy lunch for dad,
say i jz nw waste $$,
she also same same la...
my dad also de,
if u beh song can u tell me??
i hang out v my friends,
u ask me help u pay the bills,
i also help u la...
2nd sis ada tak???
she also everyday out!!!
now im studying,
i where gt income?
u thought i wan ask from them?
I regret i go study,
i should go for work,
since u guy so angry,
N guess wat my mum say?
she say i nvr paid any $$ to them even 3rd sis had gv $50 to them,
my sis she earn 1200,
i earn 900 only la!!!
i pay the petrol myself,
everything myself ok?
y they cannot care abt me??
is it i choose wrong way to go?
i should not study,
i should work,
then earn $$ to u guys lo...
then u guys happy,
and happy ending,
i wan study bcz i wan get at least a diploma cert mar...
i also nt dare to take degree...
i so fking up set,


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