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I wan burn my driving license!!!
Friday, August 6, 2010 | at | 0 Comments | Reader (s)

i wan burn my driving license,
bcz i dun wan jadi ah matt anymore!!!
every time fetch ppl here ppl thr,
morning wake up 9am to fetch my sis to work,
thn 12pm go college,
6pm nid fetch her back,
and sumtime wake up 7am to fetch my dad to consult doctor at hospital selayang!!!
sumtime my sis ask me fetch her bck from her bf house when im sleeping!!!
traffic jam summore!!!
my mum sum time wan me fetch her to brickfields....
is so tired to bcum ppl ah matt,
fetch thm to thr,
wait them at thr,
plus traffic jam n no parking!!!

today is my bad bad day,
attention to girl,
believe ur 6 sense n the god gv u sign ok,
nw im going to tell u a story regarding me.
in a rainy day,
a girl fetch her mum to bank n take passport,
the mum ask the daughter meet her at the restaurant,
so the girl parked her car near the restaurant,
bt thr r nt allow parking.
the girl think is raining,
officer wont saman,
so mana tahu the restaurant closed!!!!(1st sign)
so i go mamak makan n wait,
on the way to mamak,( i was walk at the corridor)
the raining water dunno y sudden splash in,
thn nvm,
she pass by a grocery shop,
the poster stick suddenly drop front on my few step forward,(2nd sign)
b4 i cross the road,
the small piece of paint of the ceiling drop on my front of few step again (3rd sign )
thn i finish mamak,
i went bck the restaurant wait my mum,
while waiting i ady had 6th sense told me check ur car,
so i go thr n check thr is no saman,
when i walk away few min,
i saw an officer is wrtting the ticket on other car,
i rush bck,
congratulation i kena samon....
n my mum dun wan pay it!!!
the most angry part is,
my mum say her passport nt in the bank,
thn we reach home,
i found my mum passport in her room!!!!
walao ehhhhh~~~
waste petrol n my time to fetch her n kena sumon n i nid to pay it!!!
fml triple 9 lo!!!
im so innocent lo,
so i wan burn my license,
no nid fetch thm go here go thr,
n i can sleep 99 n ppl fetch me.
dui bu dui???


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